Who We Are
How it all started
Growing up as a young boy on a dairy farm, Jay had a love for the farming industry. At 15 years old, he would buy cows for his father’s herd. In the year 2000, at the age of 22, he started working and auctioneering at the local monthly dairy auction, Hilltop Dairy Sales, held by Elmer Zeiset and Howard Visscher. As his knowledge and skill grew in the auction world, Jay wanted to start his own auction company. In 2011, he went ahead with his dream, and Jay Martin & Elmer Zeiset started their own auction company, altering the name to Hilltop Auction Company. They performed dairy and equipment auctions, starting Lakeview Holsteins as their once-a-month dairy sales and also began four annual consignment sales at a rented lot from Jay’s uncle. In 2016, Elmer Zeiset decided to retire and get out of the auction business. Regrettably, Elmer peacefully passed away in June 2017. In 2017, the business name was changed to J Martin Auctions LLC. Jay purchased a 26-acre lot a quarter mile up the road from the rented lot and renovated the office building, put the yard under gravel, and built a drive-thru auction building. The grand opening of their new yard was held in March 2018, with a record-breaking crowd of over 3,000 people.
They continue to hold auctions at their Waterloo Auction Yard and on many farms all over New York state and Northeast.
Our Mission
At J Martin Auctions, it is our goal to give buyers & sellers alike, a professional & personalized auction experience, from the moment you come, to the moment you leave. Your satisfaction is our goal!
From our drive-through facility in Waterloo NY, to on-site farm & construction auctions, we have created the environment & customer base to sell your large & small assets. Don’t hesitate to contact us with all your auction needs!
It is our goal to assist you in a fair and reasonable manner. Please feel free to contact us for a no obligations consultation. We will be happy to provide you with the information you need to make a well-educated decision.